Sunday 24 July 2016

Small Wins are often the Sweet Wins

After quite some time trying various passwords,  and without one profanity, I have managed to resurrect this Blog Site.

I am quite pleased with myself.

Whilst self praise is no recommendation, being not a digital native, I always become a little excited for myself when I triumph over modern technology.

Here is to writing a little more often. There are quite a few reflections and stories that I have to tell.

The three years since my last posting have indeed been interesting; well, for me at least. I sense that as Dylan observed, "the times they are a-changin'."

Saturday 7 December 2013

Nearly there...

So, the end of the 2013 academic year drew to a close for students on Friday last. The eldest child's results will come out in about another nine days and a chapter of her life closes, and the next wone will be written.

Three more staff days for me and a timetable to bed down and then a holiday might be had.

Here are some recent photos. The centre one is me lamenting the emptiness of my glass... it was never even full.

Thursday 10 October 2013

I am back here again. The decision and desire to write, both exist. The content may be banal for a while. The eldest child is being fed into the VCE/VCAA mill that I regard as a fraud. As such, I may bore you with  Dad and Teacher stuff. 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

I do still exist...

After a long lapse from any writing here, I have returned . I think possibly the easiest way to re-enter is with a few photos, so here they are.

This is also an experiment to see that the blog is operating properly, after a huge saga to reset the password!

Sunday 21 December 2008

Qui tacet consentire

As many of you would be aware, I have a strong sense of right and wrong, particularly to do with social justice issues and education.

As you also know, i believe strongly in MLK Jnr's assertion that, "There comes a time when silence is betrayal"

So here goes some non silence about the VCE.

This is the second time that I have watched students in this jurisdiction go through the 'disciplinary regime' of VCE.

And I don't like it any more than the first time. This is a foul and draconian system that has seriously outlived its usefulness.

Here's how VCE structure debases the value of English.

To achieve the English component of VCE, students need only three units.

So, they can do Units 1-3 of English and that's that. Or Units 1- 3 of Lit or various combinations of this. there are a couple of other options too, but the minimum requirement is filled by what I've described here.

In the event that students do all four units of Lit or English, units 1 & 2 are formative, ie, they don't count in terms of marks, but count for units. If units 3 & 4 are done the marks count, but wait for it, the exam at the end of unit 4 is worth 50% of the entire mark and that result moderates the other marks. Sure, have the exam, but do not weight it like that!

So, a student who does brilliantly in the school assessed work, which is valid and then does poorly in the exam, which in all senses is an anomalous result, is penalised for the anomaly.

And all this from a situation where the study design says one of the conditions is to give students the best possible opportunity to succeed!

Go figure. Little wonder Queensland does what it does and has since 1973.

If adults had regularly to endure VCE type assessment in the 'real world' the system would be altered very quickly.

More later about this....

Sunday 23 November 2008

Still Here...

After setting this site up in March, life began to become, as those of you who have anything to do with Schools, Children, Study, somewhat in need of priority.

This particular exercise is very low down in priorities.

So also became my University work and between a ridiculous bureaucratic conspiracy and technological failures in first Semester and the requirements of work in the second, I am no further along than I was at the start of the year.

Never mind, I do know a lot more about Australian Folk Lore and Language and also literary theory and its practical applications. I just have no recogniseable credit for this. Roll o0n the 2009 academic year.

Once this apparent 'failure' would have bothered me greatly; but actually I don't really give a hoot, owing to the fact that I'm doing this stuff for me and no-one else. God Almighty knows that one doesn't need a Masters in English to head up a department, there are many other vital skills that are however paramount.

Clearly different people value what they do differently and also have different ideas on what is the best way to communicate in a work environment. It should be noted here that, whislt my classroom is not a democracy, I perceive myself as working with students, rather than them doing things for me.

I am capable of being the 'sage on the stage', but do try to engender, especially with the Senior Years levels, the role more of, 'guide by the side.'

This being said, then all people with whom I work, unless otherwise specified are 'colleagues' students and staff alike.

Read on for some enlightenment as how my colleagues and I have fared this year. Having come from a culture of effective use of Restorative Justice processes, where open dialogue was valued and actively, appropriately practised, the new political realm has been something of, at times, a curiosity. It does not always enjoy the same ability to engage in open robust and clear discussion, always focussing on the issue. I have often raised questions in terms of whether or not I have "... missed something culturally here?".

Sunday 16 March 2008

Dramatis Personae...

Like any reasonable text, this one has a number of characters. Unlike a short story text they will not be few in number. There are some principal players, however; and it is only fit, dear Reader, that you should be introduced to the characters.

The Disciplined Non-Conformist:

A 1963 model, he has ventured into blogging as a way to keep a modern style of journal.

For his sins he works as a teacher of English, (Head of Faculty for what it's worth...) but being originally trained in primary education, the people he works with are a greater motivator than the subject, not that he doesn't think that English is the best subject to allow people to obtain an education.

Currently he is also trying to complete my M.A. (coursework) through the University of New England.

Mrs Non-Conformist:

In keeping with the whole disciplined non-conformist theme the poor long suffering child not-bride is mother of The Disciplined Non-Conformist's two children. The Disciplined Non-Conformist and he are married, they've just never been churched.
She has relinquished a promising public service career (now there's an oxymoron if ever there were one!) to travel across Australia and fulfill the dreams of a tree change and to live a less hectic life than the previous one. Her general demeanour varies between total undergaduate and Queen Boudicca of the Iceni.


The elder daughter, who is so named as she behaves in the fashion of this piece of engineering. She takes some time to warm up, eventually the engine fires and like most diesel engines produces reasonable torque, but always at low revs. Her world has been turned upside down coming to Victoria, where in Year Seven instead of being King of the Shits in Primary school, as is the case in Q'ld, she is Shit of the Kings in High School.


The younger daughter, who is so named owing to her general proclivities for evil, even at under four. For more information refer to

This photo shows all dramatis personae at recent event that will be blogged in the fullness of time.

The Family at Mrs Disciplined Non-Conformist's most recent birthday. The hysterical grins are brought about by The Disciplined Non-Conformist's remark, just as the shot was taken, "Everybody say the magical word - 'Multiple Orgasm!'" Note Beelzebub being held still to avoid an incidence of Planned Mayhem. Glow-plug just smiled naturally, we are still waiting for her to understand the joke.